Abrasive Blasting Specialist

Abrasive blasting, also known as sandblasting, is used to smooth or roughen a surface as well as removing contaminants.

We service a range of customers in the manufacturing industries. Starting with prep work for powder coating, we also service restoration projects and other use cases when clean steel is required.

MB Blasting is set up to effectively service large and small-sized parts along with large and small volume projects.

A man wearing personal protective equipment while shot blasting four metal beam to remove contaminants.

1. Steel Shot Blasting

Steel shot blasting is a process using various shot media in order to remove different contaminates as well as smoothing or roughening a surface for further processing such as powder coating. Though it has similar application as sandblasting it uses a different method that throws the abrasive media using centrifugal force.

This process allows us to achieve optimal results when working with denser materials such as metal frames and machine parts that require a more aggressive treatment.

To know more about our Shot Blasting services, contact us now and see how we can help you.

2. Restoration

Do you have equipment or parts that are rusted or in need of restoration? We can handle both large and small parts that are made of tough materials. Allow our team of experts to handle the project and we can guarantee the best quality every time.

No matter if it's an old part or a second-hand machine, restoration is a great way to save money. It allows you to take an older part and make it look as good as new. Why spend the money to buy a brand new part when all you might need is restoration work done?

Contact us now to see what we can do to help you.

A man wearing personal protective equipment while powder coating eight metal wall brackets.

3. Powder Coat Facilitation

MB Blasting works closely with powder coating companies in the area and can facilitate powder coating as well as transportation to and from the powder coat service provider.

We work with multiple service providers. Ask the admin at MB Blasting to see which of our trusted partners has the earliest available time available to get your powder coat done.

Get in touch and see how we can partner with your business.